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Comm 121 Assignments

Assignment Date


Due Date


1- Find two web sites to evaluate. 

  • Choose a site of one you like and one you don’t.
  • Use the criteria in the handout as a guideline.  Add comments where it is appropriate to help your presentation to the class.  Be sure to fill in the bottom of the table where you are asked to explain why you did or did not like the site. 

Be prepared to present your answers to the class and turn in the handout for each.

2- Ethics and the Internet

  • Choose one of the ethics topics on the attached sheet.
  • Research one of the topics and create a short outline to turn in.
  • Make note of the site sources you use for your research.
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation about your topic

Be prepared to turn in your outline and a printout of the PowerPoint presentation in handout mode and be prepared to present to the class.




  1. Decide the theme of your personal web site. Fill out the Personal Web Site handout.


  1. Draw a storyboard and flowchart using the examples from the handouts.  You may use PowerPoint, Word, hand draw the storyboard, or any other program you choose.

Be sure to include:

·        Home page

·        At least 4 more pages

o       Name one of the pages Form and think about what kind of information you might want from visitors at your site.

·        Show where links will go

·        Show where graphics will be placed

o       Include at least 4 graphics

·        Show titles of each page.


You do not have to put in all of the content but include placeholders.


  1. Be prepared to turn in your homework.
    1. Personal web site handout
    2. Story board
    3. Flow chart

***Keep a copy of each for yourself.




  1. Create a folder on your storage device called: My_Site or Personal_Site.
  2. Collect Graphics for your personal web site
    1. Collect at least:

                                                               i.      4 graphics for the site and

                                                             ii.       4-8 additional Photos for your site album.

                                                            iii.      This can be a combination of photos, graphics and giffs.

    1. Be sure to follow copyright guidelines
    2. Be sure to save graphics in a specific folder within in the Site Folder

                                                               i.      Name the folder: personal site graphics


  1. Collect some quotes, essays, thoughts for your web site.

1.      Save them as individual word documents

2.      Collect at least three different kinds of content

3.      Save them in a folder called quotes or content.  Save within the Site Folder


4.         Bring in the name of the person and organization for whom you plan to do your final project.  Be prepared to hand it in.



1) Make changes to personal web site from returned homework.

2) Continue to collect graphics and content for personal web site.



 1) Prepare materials so that you are ready to begin work on your personal web site.

2) Complete the Introduction to Fireworks Tutorial as explained on the handout.



 Continue to develop work from lab



 Continue to develop work from lab



 Complete fireworks buttons for all pages of personal web site.




  1. Be prepared to show your completed personal web site.   (Only the five pages I have required are included.) The site will be evaluated according to the evaluation sheet handout.
  2. Hand in your storyboard.
  3. Hand in a list of meta tags and a short description for your site as discussed last week
  4. Bring in the signed Contract from your sponsor/client for your final project.






 Prepare for Final Exam.  Bring detailed storyboard of client site.  Bring at least five graphics, any text documents that will be included in the site and a folder with at least five photos ( different fromt the other graphics).  You may bring handouts and notes for the test.

Bring a copy of your personal web site for me to include on a CD.



 Come prepared to finish the client web site Final Exam Part II.  Bring any other resources you wish to include.



Final Project Evaluation

4-7 PM





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